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Selasa, 16 Desember 2014

Our Presentation

In this fourteenth meeting is our time. In this meeting we went forward in front the class to present our research report. We’re rather shock when the lecturer said that our group have to go forward for presenting our research report. Our title is  “The gadget’s role for students of PTI Offering B 2012” . here, wildan as a first presenter that share about the background and etc. and me as the second presenter who share about the result and analysis. here the screenshoot of our powerpoint:
            From our presentation, we can get the conclusion is:
-          Most of students of PTI Offering B 2012 have gadget
-          The most functions of gadget based on the questionnaire are sending/ receive message, social media, and browsing some information. They are 18% or 25 students.
-          The rarely function of gadget based on the questionnaire is just for their style only. They are 5% or 7 students.

We think it’s all about the story of our presentation. Waiting for our next story guys.. J

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