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Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

the Conversation of Foreigner

In this meeting it’s about the eleventh meeting  we have to continue our story about the foreigner. Every weeks we felt worry and nervous about which group that have to go forward to share their story. Here, we have to share about the conversation that happened between us. We asked so many question to Erik. We started asking about his origin. Actually he came from Lathfia. He’s a student here an took Bahasa Indonesia. In the middle of our conversation sometimes we got nervous and clumsy each other. It happened maybe it’s our first meeting. But we still can continue our conversation until ending. And the last queation is about the differences between ICT in Indonesia and Lathfia. we  got so many data that complete our question. Actually really big thank you to Erik that have already been our foreigner.

The script

Me       : Hay, are you Erik, is it right?
Erik     : oh, yes . you’re right. I’m Erik.
Me       : I know you from Vikha, she introduced you to me.
Erik     : oh, I see. She has told me about you all too.
Me       : may I ask you some question,what’s your origin?
Erik     : okay, no problem. I’m from Lathfia.
Me       : what are you doing here? A student?
Erik     : yeah, I got scholarship here.
Me       : hmm, if you don’t mind why do you choose State University of Malang for your study?
Erik     : hmm, I don’t certain at all. I just choose it from 2 university choises.
Me       : oh, really. Hmm what’s the other University that you didn’t take?
Erik     : in Jakarta. UI. There’s UM and UI. So, I just choose UM I don’t know why. J     
Me       : hmm okay, and what’s your department that you take here?
Erik     : I take bahasa Indonesia here.
Me       : why do you choose bahasa Indonesia?
Erik     : actually, I choose bahasa Indonesia  to know about Indonesian culture.
Me       : do you know nasi goreng?
Erik     : yes, of course I know.
Me       : really, how about nasi pecel?
Erik     : hmm, maybe i’m not certain I know that food
Me       : okey, I see. And how long have you been here, Erik?
Erik     : about a month ago.
Me       : ohh, And, how long will you stay to study here in Indonesia?
Erik     : hmm, it’s for a year. But, I think I will continue until 1 or 2 years later.
Me       : Woow, I see. When you see the Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
              Here actually in UM, is there any differences between  ICT here and in your country ?
Erik     : hmm, I think I will comment about the wifi here. I’d love to use wifi. I think wifi here
              isn’t stabil. Sometimes it’s high, but sometimes it’s terrible low. It’s very different with
  my country. There, we have signal that always stabil and the speed of internet was really
Me       : yes, I think that’s right. I felt that too.
              Erik, do you ever seen suzana’s horror movie. The tittle is Malam Jum’at Kliwon?
Erik     : hmm, suzana? Is it new film?
Me       : hmm, no Erik. It’s about 1980’s. we have already resume the story. Do you mind to
  correct it for us, maybe just 1 or 2 paragraph?
Erik     : oh,okay . I don’t mind.. let me see..
Me       : here the story…

[Erik correct our grammer in this resume. It’s about two paragraph]

Erik     : okay, it’s done..
Me       : Terima kasih Erik. thank you so much Erik.. and sorry for disturbing your time. See you
              in the other occasion..
Erik     : okay, sama sama.. see you ^^          
Here, we can’t publish our documentation to you all guys, because Erik don’t like that the photo was published in website. But, here I can’t tell you a characteristics of Erik. He’s a handsome man. He has bright eyes, actually a brown eyes. I love his eyes. Because it looks like Azure. He‘s absolutely tall. And I think he  really cares about his presentation. He wears a neat coat.    

Okay guys, I think that’s enough. See ya in the next report.

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