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Selasa, 16 Desember 2014

Moderator time~

In this fifteenth meeting is our time too. But this time we were been the moderator and notulen or secretary. Wildan was be a moderator and me as his notulen. The title of the material is “Discuss Behaviour Using Social Media For Students Of Informatics Engineering Education State University Of Malang”. here the screenshoot of our powerpoint:
            From the presentation, we can get the conclusion is:
-          The most benefit from discussing with friends via social media : Can discuss with friends whenever and wherever ( 64% or 32 respondents).
-          Social media that is used to discuss : Facebook (76% or 38 respondents)
We think it’s all about the story of our presentation. Waiting for our next story guys.. J

Our Presentation

In this fourteenth meeting is our time. In this meeting we went forward in front the class to present our research report. We’re rather shock when the lecturer said that our group have to go forward for presenting our research report. Our title is  “The gadget’s role for students of PTI Offering B 2012” . here, wildan as a first presenter that share about the background and etc. and me as the second presenter who share about the result and analysis. here the screenshoot of our powerpoint:
            From our presentation, we can get the conclusion is:
-          Most of students of PTI Offering B 2012 have gadget
-          The most functions of gadget based on the questionnaire are sending/ receive message, social media, and browsing some information. They are 18% or 25 students.
-          The rarely function of gadget based on the questionnaire is just for their style only. They are 5% or 7 students.

We think it’s all about the story of our presentation. Waiting for our next story guys.. J

First Presentation Research

In the thirteenth meeting we have already change to the next material. It’s about presenting our research report. In this material, all of the group have to go forward to present it in front of the class. We were really nerveous about it. In the first group who have chosen to go forward is Dhendik’s group. They presented their research report with the title is “The Role of Using Google Search Engine in  students Performing Tasks PTI 2012 B”. here the screenshoot of their powerpoint:

            From their presentation, we can get the conclusion is “The search engine Google has a highly influential effect to helping student of PTI 2012 B to performing their tasks”. We think it’s all about the story of our twelfth meeting. Waiting for our next story guys.. J

Correction review film section

In the twelfth meeting we still have to continue about present the foreigner. It’s about the last chapter, about review and correct about our review film. The title is Malam Jumat Kliwon. Erik corrected carefully. At first we just asked him to correct just one paragraph but he continued it until two paragraphs. We were really thank you about that. Here the fact of our story.
We think it’s all about the story of our twelfth meeting. Waiting for our next story guys.. J

Introduction Foreigner

In the tenth meeting we have to present how we get the foreigner in front of the class. We forgot about which group who go forward in front of the class. But here we will share about how we got the foreigner. we share it completely. It started from we search in the letter faculty. But we have nothing. So we continued to the “Alun alun kota Malang”. There, we have to separate to get the foreigner or tourist. Until the day is over and became a glow night. We still can’t find it. In the next day I met with my friend. He recommended us about his friend. Because he know the foreigner that study here. His name is Erik. I started to make an appointment with his. Although in the first time we thought that it’s so difficult. But actually we met him. And he’s really good looking and tall too. Actually he has a bright brown eyes. It looked so amazing and  looked like azure. I like his eyes. But we can’t share about his photo because Erik dislike publish anything about him. Enough I think guys..

We think it’s all about the story of our tenth meeting. Waiting for our next story guys.. J


In the fifth meeting actually is a free class. Unfortunately, we forgot about the reason why it happened to our class. Actually we’re really happy got that news. We can go home and doing the other assignment. Wildan and I were really excited to hear that.

maybe for this meeting is rather short because we didn’t have any report again for today. See you in the other story of us.

Senin, 15 Desember 2014


at the 7th meeting , we get material about broadcasting . we felt really enjoy enjoy pelajran because students are given the opportunity to kelaur class to report the situation around. outside of class we wrote about student activities yangsedang chores together . this is my report " Some student search Electrical Source , They are working together Reviews their task . Wildfire reporting fromBBC " .

Fournd Presentation Research

The meeting of 16 , I feel sad because Must End lectures . before him I think the lessons are hard to learn English because English class is not the same as math . after getting this lesson I find it easy to learn English because learning English is not glued to the book but to learn from anything.

in this meeting , Mr. aji describes the implementation of final exams.some points that are described include :

  1. Not allowed to cheathing
  2. Not allowed to bring communication tools, like smartphone, mobile phone.                            
  3. Allow to use electronic dictionary or book dictionary
#note : allowed to bring a smartphone if sim card is removed

If it violates the rules , then removed from the exam room and scored 0.

Senin, 27 Oktober 2014

Free class :)

In the ninth meeting actually is a free class. It happened because Mr.Aji have to go to the another island. Actually we forgot what’s the name of the island. He went there for his articles. So, mr. Aji ask to us that we have 2 weeks for finished the research proposal started from last week. So, we stil have a time just for a week. But in this meeting, still there our friend who didn’t know that  Advanced of Engineering English Class was free. So, they still came to the campus. Unfortunately, they had to come back again to their home. How poor they are. :’( 

Listening Section^^

In this meeting. We have another type of game. We have to show the dialog of our interview foreigner. This section can be called by “Listening section”. So, the selected group have to play the record of our interview or we can read the dialog directly if we don’t have the record. After we play the record, we have to choose one of the student for answer our questions. It propose to check the concentrations of all the students. So, we know who’s the one that didn’t pay attention to the record.

After this game, Mr. Aji gave us a task. We have to make a research proposal that consist of 7 quesstions. Here, the detail of our research proposal:

Tittle : The gadget’s role for students of PTI Offering B 2012
Objective                     : To know what’s the gadget’s role for students of PTI Offering B 2012
Method                        : Questionnaire
Respondents : Students of PTI Offering B 2012
Number of respondents : 25 students
Location                      : at State University of Malang
Duration                      : -

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

Malam Jumat Kliwon

We’ll come back again guys. Now we’ll tell you about the fifth meeting in  Advanced of Engineering English Class. In this meeting we have to tell about Malam Jumat Kliwon Movie. We’re really excited in this meeting but rather nervous too. The rule of this game is rather same with yesterday I Lion King’s story. But, in this occasion we have to read the Indonesian and translate the English without see the text. Wow, it’s really surprised us. Wildan and ifa got 2 times. And fortunately we could pass this game well. And about the story, we’ll upload to you all. Have a nice read guys J .
Ayu Trisnaningrat was a mysterious novel writer. But, someday she couldn’t concentrate well as usual. So, she went to the doctor for consulting her problem. Her doctor said that she must be relax and calm down. And then she asked her boyfriend, Anton to go somewhere for get the new inspiration for her written. Anton agreed and go to that place together. In their journey, they searched the new way but they found the blocked way. So they continued their journey by a walk and found a big house. Ayu said to Anton that she has already known about that house. They entered inside the house because the door didn’t lock. Ayu was really surprised when she entered in the one of the room, there were so many birds inside that room. And Ayu saw blood but suddenly the blood disappeared soon. She realized that there were something strange tin that house. But, Ayu still wanted to meet the owner of that house and asked for his permit. And they met a man and asked it. He said that Raden Ngabey Arya Tejo allowed Ayu to write her novel in his house. So, Ayu and Anton went to the Mr.Raden’s house. There, they met with Mr.Tomo. He was a man who take care of Mr. Raden. And then Mr.Raden came out from his room and he war rather surprised when he saw Ayu. Ayu and Anton didn’t know why he surprised?. And Anton gave him a ID Card to Mr.Tomo. then, Ayu allowed to write a novel at that house and Anton went home.
At night, Ayu got a dream that there were many man and woman who had a scared face want to catch Ayu and then she woke up. She got up and she saw a man who fixed the broken mirror. The man was Mr.Ardan. Ayu asked to him, about why the mirror broken? And then he answered, maybe it was caused by a ghost sist. Ayu was more confused with her dream and about the door, she called her doctor and told the story that  she had. The doctor asked her to calm down and stay relax. After that, she heard a radio voice. Ayu tried to find and turn off the radio. N that room, she found a wedding picture. Ayu came back t her room and saw her written was dirty. She was curious who did it.
In the next morning, Ayu drew the house. And then she met with Mr.Ardan and asked to him, was there a ghost in this house?. And Mr.Ardan answered that Ayu had to leave this house soon. He tried to kill and ravish her. Ayu was surprised and run. But, Mr.Ardan chased her and suddenly there was a woman ghost came and saved Ayu from Mr.Ardan. the ghost killed him. At night, when Ayu slept, she saw the Mr.Ardan’s head in the bedroom. She scared and called Anton.
Ayu remembered that Mr.Ardan ever said about Karsiman. Ayu met Karsiman in the chicken’s stable. She asked to Karsiman why the house was really strange. But, Karsiman got angry and tried to kill Ayu too. Ayu went out by motorcycle to escape from Karsiman but Karsiman chased Ayu. In the way, he saw the woman ghost and bumped her twice but he couldn’t and then he got accident. Ayu known about the accident, so he came back to check Karsiman woke up and still tried to kill Ayu again. Luckily, the women ghost helped Ayu and kill Karsiman too. And then Ayu went home to the house.
Ayu was visited by mt.Tomo that Anton would come to visit Ayu next week. Finally, at that night Ayu was accompanied by Mr.Bokir. They talked together. Mr.Bokir told about his life to Ayu. And then Mr.Bokir sang a song to get Ayu’s attention. But, suddenly there was a effeminate man who danced with Mr. Bokir. After that a woman ghost appeared and made Mr.Bokir run away to find a security. And he told about the story of the woman ghost and asked to the security to accompany him to keep Ayu’s house. And then security agreed and he accompanied him. They had a dinner and in the middle of their dinner, there was a woman ghost and their meal was be a maggot. The woman ghost hung on the tree and asked the security to accompany and chat with her. The security held the woman ghost’s hand and invited her to the house, but suddenly she changed to be a skull. So, the security run away and Mr.Bokir went to meet Ayu to tell the story about his meeting with the woman ghost. Because of scare, directly he run away too before he got the fee for be a guard to keep Ayu’s house. At that night, Ayu imagined that Anton was at her bedroom.
In the next morning, Mr.Tomo came to Ayu’s house to tell about the human corpse of Mr.Ardan and Mr.Karsiman were found in the horrible condition. Beside of Mr.Tomo’s argument, the death was un proper because maybe they had killed by Minanti, his siter in law. And Ayu told  that she found woman’s soul like her in this house. At that time, Anton came to see Mr.Raden, and then Mr.Raden told to Anton about the resemblance between Ayu’s face and his ex wife, Minanti. He told about the incident of Ayu’s birth. At that night Minanti got black magic from someone so Ayu borned from her mother’s back un properly. The incident made Minanti died. So, Mr.Raden left the baby to the orphanage and promised would make reverange of Minanti’s death.
Mr.Raden’s mistress, Den Roro was the doer in the planning of Minanti’s death. She came to Mr.mojo with Mr.Ardan dan Mr.Kasiman to continued to give black magic too to the baby. But Mr.Raden known her bad plan with Mr.Mojo. So, he shoot den Roro and Mr.Mojo until died and thrown their corpse to the lek. Mr.Ardan and Mr.Kasiman known that Mr.Raden killed them but they kept that secret.
After known the story, Ayu have known about her parent were Minanti a woman ghost and her father Mr.Raden Aryo Tejo. Mr.Raden gave all his wealth to Ayu. After that Mr.Raden died because he was sick. And Ayu and Anton got married and happy ever after.    

the Conversation of Foreigner

In this meeting it’s about the eleventh meeting  we have to continue our story about the foreigner. Every weeks we felt worry and nervous about which group that have to go forward to share their story. Here, we have to share about the conversation that happened between us. We asked so many question to Erik. We started asking about his origin. Actually he came from Lathfia. He’s a student here an took Bahasa Indonesia. In the middle of our conversation sometimes we got nervous and clumsy each other. It happened maybe it’s our first meeting. But we still can continue our conversation until ending. And the last queation is about the differences between ICT in Indonesia and Lathfia. we  got so many data that complete our question. Actually really big thank you to Erik that have already been our foreigner.

The script

Me       : Hay, are you Erik, is it right?
Erik     : oh, yes . you’re right. I’m Erik.
Me       : I know you from Vikha, she introduced you to me.
Erik     : oh, I see. She has told me about you all too.
Me       : may I ask you some question,what’s your origin?
Erik     : okay, no problem. I’m from Lathfia.
Me       : what are you doing here? A student?
Erik     : yeah, I got scholarship here.
Me       : hmm, if you don’t mind why do you choose State University of Malang for your study?
Erik     : hmm, I don’t certain at all. I just choose it from 2 university choises.
Me       : oh, really. Hmm what’s the other University that you didn’t take?
Erik     : in Jakarta. UI. There’s UM and UI. So, I just choose UM I don’t know why. J     
Me       : hmm okay, and what’s your department that you take here?
Erik     : I take bahasa Indonesia here.
Me       : why do you choose bahasa Indonesia?
Erik     : actually, I choose bahasa Indonesia  to know about Indonesian culture.
Me       : do you know nasi goreng?
Erik     : yes, of course I know.
Me       : really, how about nasi pecel?
Erik     : hmm, maybe i’m not certain I know that food
Me       : okey, I see. And how long have you been here, Erik?
Erik     : about a month ago.
Me       : ohh, And, how long will you stay to study here in Indonesia?
Erik     : hmm, it’s for a year. But, I think I will continue until 1 or 2 years later.
Me       : Woow, I see. When you see the Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
              Here actually in UM, is there any differences between  ICT here and in your country ?
Erik     : hmm, I think I will comment about the wifi here. I’d love to use wifi. I think wifi here
              isn’t stabil. Sometimes it’s high, but sometimes it’s terrible low. It’s very different with
  my country. There, we have signal that always stabil and the speed of internet was really
Me       : yes, I think that’s right. I felt that too.
              Erik, do you ever seen suzana’s horror movie. The tittle is Malam Jum’at Kliwon?
Erik     : hmm, suzana? Is it new film?
Me       : hmm, no Erik. It’s about 1980’s. we have already resume the story. Do you mind to
  correct it for us, maybe just 1 or 2 paragraph?
Erik     : oh,okay . I don’t mind.. let me see..
Me       : here the story…

[Erik correct our grammer in this resume. It’s about two paragraph]

Erik     : okay, it’s done..
Me       : Terima kasih Erik. thank you so much Erik.. and sorry for disturbing your time. See you
              in the other occasion..
Erik     : okay, sama sama.. see you ^^          
Here, we can’t publish our documentation to you all guys, because Erik don’t like that the photo was published in website. But, here I can’t tell you a characteristics of Erik. He’s a handsome man. He has bright eyes, actually a brown eyes. I love his eyes. Because it looks like Azure. He‘s absolutely tall. And I think he  really cares about his presentation. He wears a neat coat.    

Okay guys, I think that’s enough. See ya in the next report.

Minggu, 28 September 2014

Example curriculum Vitae by Wildan


Personal Information:
Name               : Wildan Setyo Budi
Address           : Jl. Soekarno Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Mobile             : 081222333444
E-mail              :

Objective        :
To find a role in animator Pixar’s Studio
Profile             :
An outgoing graduate with work experience of Animation in the California Institute of the Arts 

Education and Qualifications:
2016 – 2018    : Magister of of Animation in the California Institute of the Arts 
2012 – 2016    : A student of Animation in the California Institute of the Arts 
2009 – 2012    : A Science student in the Islamic Senior High School 1 Malang
2006 – 2009    : A student in the Junior High School 1 Blitar

Work Experience:
Oct 2018 – present      : Animator trainer at Tuts-Illustration
July 2012 – present     : Account Owner wildanjisung at devianArt.
July 2017 – Oct 2017  : Contribute  in Spirated Away Animation.

Expert in Adobe illustration, Adobe Flash, 3D Max  advance skill, Expertin 4 languages: Javanese, English, Indonesian and Arabic.

Drawing And Illutration

Hayao Miyazaki

Example Curiculum Vitae by Ifa


Personal Information:
Name               : Makrifatus Sulkha
Address           : Jl. Sumbersari Gg VI/14 Malang
Mobile             : 085649934220
E-mail              :

Objective        :
To find a role be a consultant engineering that will be able me to fulfill my skill.

Profile             :
An outgoing graduate with work experience of Informatics Engineering in the Columbia University.

Education and Qualifications:
2016 – 2018    : Magister of Informatics Engineering in the Columbia University.
2012 – 2016    : A student of Informatics Engineering in the University of Malang.
2009 – 2012    : A Science student in the Islamic Senior High School 2 Tulungagung.
2006 – 2009    : A student in the Junior High School 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung.

Work Experience:
July 2018 – present     : Leccturer of Informatic Engineering in the State University of Malang.
May2017 – June 2017 : P.I.C of training and Education program in the Columbia University.
October 2015 – November 2015: P.I.C of Electrical Olympiade in the State University of Malang.
April 2014 – July 2014: internship as a employee at PT TELKOM Malang.

Expert in Ms.Office (Microsoft sertification), database, C++, HTML, Php, CorelDraw, Photoshop,Visual Basic, Android advance skill, Expertin 5 languages: English, Indonesian, Arabic, Korean, and Spanish.

Web Design, JQuery, and computer services.

My English advance Lecturer, Aji Prasetya Wibawa

The Lion King

A day before the class began, a lot of confusion that occurs when received the assignment first given out by Mr Aji Prasetya Wibawa. Wildan and Ifa talk about it.  Wildan thought that Resumes is similar synopsis, but according to ifa resumes is a quick story thoroughly. Finally wildan and ifa decided unutuk make a quick story thoroughly.

2014, 3rd Sept. First time to start advanced english lesson. Class starts with the provision of the rules of the game to correcting a task. The decision done wildan and ifa exactly to choose summarizes a whole story. The rules of the game mention each student partner and appointed, resumes its going to read as many as one sentence. A friend who of them again get to decode into a indonesia language.This was done by turns and done over and over again until the story done.

Game begins. Mr Aji starts pointing his students one by one to recite the result of resumes the lion king film has been made.Wildan and Ifa  attention the story carefully. In one sentence wildan and ifa lost plot have been retelled. Wildan and ifa hope that they are not called forth fore.But at the right time and ifa wildan find plot back. After such a students forward, finally group Wildan and Ifa who get a turn. Ifa veread story pieces story: “fortunatelly, his dad saved him.” Wildan translated to indonesian language “akhirnya ayahnya menyelamatkannya (Simba)”. A turn wildan read pieces story “and musafa almost trapped in the wildebeest race but he could jump in to the hill “ Ifa get to translated “dan mufasa hampir terjebak dalam kerumunan domba liar tetapi dia melompat ke bukit”. Wildfire and ifa very relieved that they had done , so they no longer have to listen .

Unexpectedly with time running fast. Before the class mr aji convey my next assignment.

Kamis, 11 September 2014

Meet Ki Aji Prasetya Wibawa

Hay guys, welcome to our new blog “Advanced of Engineering English Class”. Let’s introduce our member. There are Wildan Setyo Budi with his nickname is Jisung and Makrifatus Sulkha, our friends called with ifa . We’re in the third year in the State University of Malang. Our department is Technical Engineering. And we are in the B Class. And In this blog will be consist of our activity at class of Advanced Engineering English.
in the first meeting, we were really curious how about Mr.Aji Prasetya Wibawa looked like. And when he entered the class, we felt that he was a joy person. He brought his hat as always everywhere. We thought that it was the characteristic of Mr. Aji. And then he started the introduction of him and his lesson will be.
Performing by Ki Aji Prasetya

 He told us that he ever studied in the abroad, but we’re forget where’s the location it is, hehehehe. There, he ever been a dalang, and he ever had a show too. How amazing it is. And his performance could make the audiences were really excited. The story made us were really proud to have a lecturer like him. but we remember about something, in the middle of his presentation sometimes we felt rather sleepy because the class was in the noon day about at 12pm. He also explained about our task in this semester. There are about seven tasks that will be in this semester. In the first meeting still there isn’t task for us. He just introduced the lesson. And finally the 1st meeting was ended by closing of Mr. Aji.

We think that’s all our report in the 1st meeting of Advanced Engineering English class. See you later, in the other our fun report. Bye J